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This game is amazing and I have to admit, I teared up several times while playing, and definitely cried at the end. Absolutely amazing story and I do hope they all got their happy ending.

GOD DAMMIT. THIS GAME IS TOO GOOD. God I almost cried, punched me right in the feels, man.

Hey, congrats on the game! I love the concept.

My team and I are currently working on a volunteer project for Pride Month and I think your game would be a great candidate. In short, we want to translate a queer game for free to give visibility to LGBT gaming. Would you be interested? 

Please message me on Twitter @Liar_is_fire, or by email at so I can give you more info! We’re closing applications in a few days so make sure you don’t miss it :) 

I played it a long time ago but couldn't find it again. Now, here I am again, and I've to say what of an awesome game this is. I cried for MINIMUM 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT after ending the game. It's beautiful. 11/10, would play it a hundred times more if I had the time.

Que jogo lindo sério, é um dos melhores e mais emocionante que já joguei.

This game has reignited my love for single-player experiences. showing me how powerful they can be.


The character designs in this game are so creative and imaginative. I love seeing what new characters I'll meet next.

Play this game blind, it is worth it, their story is worth it, I only ache that the end is where it was, but this is the most emotionally provoking game. At first I didn't like the characters, there was nothing to them, but as they became more defined, they became more amiable, and by the end of it, I found myself so attached I didn't want to let them go.

I hope the promise was kept, they deserve that much, at the very least.

One of the best story games ive ever played...

(1 edit)

played the game blind. expected disturbing stuff, got my eyes bawling in return. jokes aside, the story and mini-games are so good. I got so attached to the characters, they need to get married in the new world!!!!! (if it exists :3)

the continue isnt working :(

my save got deleted and doing all that dialog and cleaning again isnt happening :/

my honest and "objective" review (spoiler-free):

i had a hard time understanding the "hype" surrounding the game after reading the reviews when i started playing. however, i believe that players looking for a well-written story should definitely stick around. 

i especially liked the game because it's not pretending to be something it's not. the plot was albeit p********le good, the music matched the ambiance, and it's really enjoyable. though i was on edge at times, i have come to appreciate the design choices made since they tie nicely with the lore. the MC was also great, and i relate to him immensely.

rather than fun, this game was a mysterious and unique journey. i was moved by the ending, and i believe the episodes leading to it were brought with finesse.

the biggest critic i would give is that one of the mini-games (the one where you have to press "enter" several times to fil the bar) was actual nightmare-inducing, and my arms now hurt from it.

thank you for this game. though i now have a lot to think about, i am leaving with no regrets.


I've never cried so hard over a game before in my life---that was so damn beautiful!! Those two had my heart and smashed it to bits.


SO SO SO SO GOOD OH MY GOD. I bawled my eyes out and I feel empty now that I finished it. Such a beautiful story and character development. Thank you for this experience omg.


Such a beautiful game and story.


i cried for like 30 mins after this, it was an amazing and vivid story with more depth than i could have ever imagined 100000/10

Hello, I received a fail to load error for audio/bgs/aj%201480%20TVStatic1.ogg while they're cleaning the kitchen area for the 1st time and the cleaner is tweakin. I try to Retry but it is constantly popping up and I can't proceed normally anymore.

while im cleaning jess's house, when i dot the last bit of trash in the entrance, it glitches out and says "Uncaught LoadError,chrome-extension://njgcanhfjdabfmnlmpmdedalocpafnhl/movies/Cleaning01.webm,()=>{this._element.load();}"

and i cant continue, what do i do

nvm, idk what that was but i cleaned up in a differnt order and i'm able to continue

This story literally made me cry.  I don't know why I was expecting a happy ending but I guess I just hoped that it would show them all being the new world that was promised to them. I hope that they do get their happy ending.

This make me bawled my eyes out, the story is so well written that I wish I could see this story as an animation or a manga. Maybe one of the other commentor is right that it being a cleaning game limit the story in itself but I can't blame you guys since its in a time constraint. I do have to say that you guys did really well with the story, the music, and the art. Good luck on future project! 

bawled my eyes out just bought on steam so I could get the artbook.

beautiful story that I got so attached to.

I kind of want to write a story about it, though I'm not sure I would ever post it anywhere. Is that something you would be okay with?


Hello! :D

We're glad you've enjoyed the game! :)

Absolutely, feel free to write anything you want! It would be our honor, whether it is made public or not.

If you have any question related to the story/lore/anything else feel free to contact us :)

Best of luck to you and your creative endeavors!


WOW I was so invested in the story! It was so beautiful and tragic, and though I wish we could've seen a little epilogue to know what happens to them both after the ending it was still great. 


Thank you so very much! :)

It will be in a long while because we have other games planned before that, but there is a much longer sequel fully written, so we hope we'll be able to bring it to you someday! :)

In the meantime, do imagine any future you want for them ;)


i wish the game would become a bit more ... idk how to say just clean 6 things nd reading all time isnt much a game for me was more like one of this manga sites where u need to watch an add for few sec to read again.. thats why i don't really got into that story- really missed more endings here or choices than just klicking randomly to the end.

That is a totally fair take! We wanted to add a lot more, but since it was a game jam game and we only add a month to make a playable demo, a lot of things had to be sacrificed. For the next game there won't be any time constraints so we'll try adding a lot more stuff :)

Hopefully we'll still see you there!



Maybe we both are ;)

Amazing, beautiful! I wish I could find the words to describe how this game made me feel. Crying my eyes out, I just pray they made it safely to the new world!

Hello, srry to bother about it, how does it work to purchase the artbook please? The story was so beautiful I would love to support and have a piece of it to keep <3


Hello! :)

Thank you very much for the support!

You have two choices:
1.When you press the download button here on itchio, there should be an option to donate, and if you do the artbook should be downloadable as well.

2.You can buy the steam version and it will contain the artbook, the price is around the same (0.99 vs 1.00 dollar) but no pressure of course :)

If you do one of these two options but there is any kind of problem, feel free to contact us and we'll help you out as best as we can! if you would rather contact us by email

Have a wonderful day! :D

Thank u for ur answer, it worked perfectly <3

After reading the artbook, I would like to ask if u plan on puttin some sketches n all about the process n the visuals ideas u had before the polished steps? It would be so cool! N I also would like to ask if u plan on doin virtuals posters or wallpaper? Thanks again <3


Sorry for the delay, it has been a busy couple of weeks!

Unfortunately I'm only one person making the games so while I'd love to bring you more goodies it might be tough :(

Any time I spend on extra stuff is time I don't spend on making the next game, and I also have a full-time job :'(

But hopefully one day I'll learn to draw much faster! :)

In the good news, the next games should have more material since they won't be game jam games, so I have more time to plan things out :)

Thank you so very much for your amazing comments, I wish you a wonderful day!

And I'll give a thought about more freebies :)

Awww okay no worries! U need to take care of urself first <3

Thank u for ur answer, hope it works out well for u <3 (:


I'm crying, this was an amazing journey,I hope they get the ending they deserve. I'm gonna get the artbook now, everyone seems to say its amazing, after this experience I surely want to see the next. Thank you for this amazing game


I'm writing sobbing, can't even see my keyboard and why didn't you give us a last ending with them together this was so beautiful but my heart is shattered I can't stop. Crying you don't understand I need a GIF THAT CONTAINS ALL MY ANGUISH and there is none. This can't be... possible I don't have any words just this game was a piece of art and I want to buy the art book and whatever you have, take my money ;;


I just got the artbook so at least I'll cry but reading about the characters NO DANY BOY we also saw the red. FLowers. they were so beautiful. I'm so sad bro.


Thank you for sharing this. I stuck with the story for a whole 3 hour sitting and it really resonated with me. Thank you again! <3

(2 edits)

i want someone to make a theory about this so much- but i will say, i will become a hopeful idiot and say that- in the future the red tulips will be real.

edit: i just bought the artbook and read page 62 so i believe in her.
i can sleep peacefully now

Im sorry, but, may i ask where do you buy the artbook? im kinda lost

i actually bought the game on steam- and the artbook was in the document file :D

Thnk you :D !!

ohohohoho the artbook is so good guys. the whole thing is good, but the last two pages... let's just say they give you more to think about in regards to the lore

I cant wait to see where this concept goes in the future! I'd love to know more about the Void and the Goddess!


*********BIG SPOILERS!!!*****************





I'd like to believe in the second life. And that's because in the end, Eames got the core he wanted so badly. I don't know what "transcending the cycle" means, but I want to be like Eames- hopeful. If he got the core, maybe his goddess really is as kind as he thought, y'know? And regardless of transcendence or not, I think she'd give them another go around if she can.


holy shit... This was wonderful. I couldn't put it down at all once I started! Such a touching story, and I'm very impressed by the clever ways the game engine was utilized, too! I wouldn't have thought to use the mechanics of RPGMaker or something like that to make cleaning minigames!

The story was wonderful, and I loved the ending, too. It was a great way to end it, I think. I'm still processing the emotions it gave me and my interpretation!



i uh, would anyone mind helping me understand the ending? ;; got a bit lost there..


I took a bit to finish the game but, I didn't regret the 2 hours spent with this beauty. The story is amazing, the creators really know how to make you grow attached to these characters. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into as one night I had downloaded a bunch of games I found that seemed interesting but even with the eerie feeling this game might be 'too much' for me, the story kept me addicted! The mini games were great, I enjoyed the new mini games coming in each clean and the rising difficulty as you continue, even if I sucked at the typing one. The ending is good, I feel very interested in these characters even now that I'm done and I do hope more will come out of this amazing storyline. I'll be sure to keep an eye out on this creator. The character arcs were amazing and I can't stress enough how attached I grew each time I went in.

Small Notes:

I had some issues with the floor cleaning mini game as sometimes it would let me click once then not clean the rest, I had to go back to my old save to redo it and it worked just fine though. I suggest strongly to save every time a new clean starts just incase as you cannot save well the story is going. I don't think it's the creators fault for this small issue so I suggest simply going back in the game then complaining. ^^


I find the ending really peaceful actually? If you pay attention to 'The Cleaner's beliefs, it's peaceful to see how it ended and I honestly really hope for the characters to get that 'new life' in another game :) I adore the lore so much and I found it funny when I managed to assume things at the start and get them revealed as correct through it yet the void lore really surprised me at the end! 


Thank you so much to everyone credited for this amazing game and I am excited to see any other work you lot create in the future! I hope that this review helps anyone who strolled by this game and was like me, curious about this gorgeous work of art! I am 100% looking into everything there is from this creator after this review and y'all should too <3 


I'm crying my eyes out. Thank you for this amazing experience, this game have a place in my core now. ♡ 


I- I just finished and I might just die. This needs to be a book or something

It's like a VN combined with an RPGMaker game! Isn't that so clever? And the!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY IS THERE  NO HSOWING OF DANIEL AND EAMES HAVING THEIR HAPPILY EVER AFTER that aside, I don't remember the last time I cried because of a game, this is beautifully written and god what i would give to play this for the first time again <3

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