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*********BIG SPOILERS!!!*****************





I'd like to believe in the second life. And that's because in the end, Eames got the core he wanted so badly. I don't know what "transcending the cycle" means, but I want to be like Eames- hopeful. If he got the core, maybe his goddess really is as kind as he thought, y'know? And regardless of transcendence or not, I think she'd give them another go around if she can.


holy shit... This was wonderful. I couldn't put it down at all once I started! Such a touching story, and I'm very impressed by the clever ways the game engine was utilized, too! I wouldn't have thought to use the mechanics of RPGMaker or something like that to make cleaning minigames!

The story was wonderful, and I loved the ending, too. It was a great way to end it, I think. I'm still processing the emotions it gave me and my interpretation!



i uh, would anyone mind helping me understand the ending? ;; got a bit lost there..


I took a bit to finish the game but, I didn't regret the 2 hours spent with this beauty. The story is amazing, the creators really know how to make you grow attached to these characters. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into as one night I had downloaded a bunch of games I found that seemed interesting but even with the eerie feeling this game might be 'too much' for me, the story kept me addicted! The mini games were great, I enjoyed the new mini games coming in each clean and the rising difficulty as you continue, even if I sucked at the typing one. The ending is good, I feel very interested in these characters even now that I'm done and I do hope more will come out of this amazing storyline. I'll be sure to keep an eye out on this creator. The character arcs were amazing and I can't stress enough how attached I grew each time I went in.

Small Notes:

I had some issues with the floor cleaning mini game as sometimes it would let me click once then not clean the rest, I had to go back to my old save to redo it and it worked just fine though. I suggest strongly to save every time a new clean starts just incase as you cannot save well the story is going. I don't think it's the creators fault for this small issue so I suggest simply going back in the game then complaining. ^^


I find the ending really peaceful actually? If you pay attention to 'The Cleaner's beliefs, it's peaceful to see how it ended and I honestly really hope for the characters to get that 'new life' in another game :) I adore the lore so much and I found it funny when I managed to assume things at the start and get them revealed as correct through it yet the void lore really surprised me at the end! 


Thank you so much to everyone credited for this amazing game and I am excited to see any other work you lot create in the future! I hope that this review helps anyone who strolled by this game and was like me, curious about this gorgeous work of art! I am 100% looking into everything there is from this creator after this review and y'all should too <3 


I'm crying my eyes out. Thank you for this amazing experience, this game have a place in my core now. ♡ 


I- I just finished and I might just die. This needs to be a book or something

It's like a VN combined with an RPGMaker game! Isn't that so clever? And the!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY IS THERE  NO HSOWING OF DANIEL AND EAMES HAVING THEIR HAPPILY EVER AFTER that aside, I don't remember the last time I cried because of a game, this is beautifully written and god what i would give to play this for the first time again <3

im on my web browser on my tablet


Unfortunately The Cleaner is only playable on a Windows PC for now.

can you make it so you can play it in browser pleaseee

i can't play it


!! Spoilers for the game !!


I'm crying a little bit. I went in expecting jumpscares (to make it clear, there are a few, but not as much as I was expecting) and ended up with a doomed romance that broke my heart. 

I'm so happy that the doomed romance wasn't advertised because I'd never have played it otherwise-- I'm usually not good with bad endings. But this was bittersweet and hit all the right feels. And the end? When Eames gives Daniel's core and dies of heartbreak? My HEART.

(Speaking of which, I noticed that Daniel wasn't smiling when he died-- I guess Evie finished her job after all. I do want to know what it means to transcend, though.)

The dialogue got a bit long at times- and I like to think that I have a pretty high tolerance for long game dialogue- but it had me mushy, fond, and sad all at the same time.

I'm so curious to know if there is a new cycle and if everyone got their happy ending, but some things are best left unanswered. I'm so glad I chose this to be my first new game of 2023. I love it so much!

*********SPOILERS!!!********* (itch c'mon add a way to spoiler our comments already dangit)

I do wish we would have gotten slightly more about what "transcending" meant. But, then again, I like how the game leaves certain things about the religion vague. It makes it feel...more realistic? Because no matter your religion irl, it's impossible for you as one person to know the whole truth. 

And there's also the question of at what point religion turns into cultism. Not finding out the whole truth about his backstory also made him feel real. It made him feel more human. 

Real people who have suffered trauma... we never know the full story of what those who caused our trauma were thinking. Why they hurt us the way they did. How they justified it to themselves. Real life trauma sufferers are left wondering all the time why we were treated the way we were. Sadly, most of us never really get a full answer, because those who hurt us either aren't around any more, or they still think they were justified. 

So whilst some stories might be annoying when they don't give answers... I mostly think leaving things up to interpretation was a good move here.

...Transcendence is the only thing I wish would have been hinted at a little better. We weren't given much at all to go off of, unlike other aspects of the story.


The story is just... so good TT
Would love to translate this game into Spanish!

Hello! :D
Would you please send us an email at ?

So we can discuss this further :) It would be awesome to have more languages!

A beautiful storyline, character design, and just wow... I fucking cried damnit and that is the rarest thing ever. I love it, short but even the mini-games were worth it. So underrated, and so recommendable!

thank you for creating such a wonderful masterpiece. the way this game touch on the topic of mourning hurts my soul.

I enjoyed playing it <33 ! It made me cry so much, so amazing

AEW shirt :D?


absolutely beautiful this game has made me ugly cry harder then a game has ever done before. 10/10


I'm ngl this game has me really interested but I'm so confused lmfaoo

(3 edits) (+3)

Made a Full playthrough out of it, I can Say that this game is GOLDEN!!! 

From character development, world building, pacing...Everything about this game is real smooth.
it didn't feel like the romance and lore was forced to the player at all.
I didn't even realized that I've been recording for a long time since it was so chill and smooth.

I don't wanna spoil anything but recommend you guys to try this game on ur free time. Absolute chill piece of literature. 10/10 


The story game is so good. i like everything in this gamr it made me cry at the end. ;-;

(1 edit) (+1)

I returned for the full game after playing the jam version some time back, and I loved both the improvements to the game in general and the second half of the story. It's so beautifully sad, and I've still got a lump in my throat typing this. The characters had grown on me in the first half, but by the second I was utterly reeled in. The atmosphere remains top notch, and the worldbuilding remains intriguing (and mysterious!)

I saw you're looking at an indirect sequel, and I for one will happily give my vote and say that I'd love to see more. For now I'll chip in for the artbook with best wishes and the promise of seeing a little extra!

Thank you so much for this game. It's going to stay with me for a while, and I'm so glad I played when I did...

(Spoilers below)

Happy birthday, Eames. May you and the people you love get the next life and second chance you wanted.

Is the AEW shirt in it?

Gorgeous - well done.


Thank you so very much! :D

(2 edits) (+3)

     THE ENDING!! IT IS SUCH A TWIST! TOT!! FUCK!! THE ENDING WAS SOO SAD!! I honestly hope there's like a 2nd season or some sequel to the game but it feels empty to leave it off like that. This game is so depressing. :'( 

     Other than that, this game is amazing! The story plot is just intriguing like no other. World buildings are very interesting and complex. With the Void, cult, and the Smiling Death (I looked up on the Smiling Death and I don't recommend it for the faint of heart. Actually, don't look up at all, it's really not gruesome at all, just pictures of religious people smiling in their final moment. It's still creepy, though.) I wish there's a save so I can replay certain parts of the game so I can experience it again and maybe cry again lol.

     The mechanics for cleaning is very simple and fun. I think it adds a great imagery for such a sad game. I say it's a great distraction from the depressing apocalypse. 

     This game is aesthetically beautiful ♥ The character design is very suiting to the world and the story plot and how they come to be to the very end. I am very happy that they are able to convey their feelings and their personal problems and traumas to each other (even though they are the only people that's alive). The pacing of introducing our main protagonist is excellent. I don't feel the rush of it and how the buildup of the character development is just right. We get to understand and know more of Daniel and Eames and their backstory through cleaning houses, of course.

     I enjoy end of the world type of game/scenario, so when I saw this game, it just piqued my taste. I am very glad to come across such beautifully depressed that it hit just right on my tongue and overall, I am hoping and looking forward for more of this series (if you ever plan to which I hope because I love to see a Happy Ending for Daniel and Eames. I, honestly, believe they deserve a Happy life even in death.) I have so much fun playing The Cleaner. I look forward to what's to come in the future.

     That is my conclusion of the game The Cleaner.


Hello! :)
Thank you so very much for the wonderful comment! :D We're glad you enjoyed the game!

There IS more to the story, indeed ;) There's a little bit more written about it on the artbook but since it's paid no pressure to buy it :)

We hope that one day we'll be able to bring you the (indirect) sequel as well.

Best wishes to you! :)

(1 edit)

:O darn it didn't come with my bundle. I'm v tempted tho!


Time to clean some boyz!



really cute game!!!! i liked the story a lot

Thank you very much! :)

hello is there any way I can save my progress?

The fastest way is to press the button V to open the save menu :)

Interesting world you have created, it feels like it is filled with so many questions to what is causing people’s deaths, while at the same time having such an angelic experience to how people pass on. The multiple different mini games was a challenge and really made for the experience of cleaning the house actually feel like a challenge, especially when so much is left behind after people die.

Thank you very much for the lovely comment and the wonderful video! :D We're honored!

We'll do our best for the full release as well :)

Lovely game and a really interesting take on the apocalypse. Looking forward to the second part!

Thank you very much! :D

We're glad you enjoyed it!

A fascinating world with interesting characters. Looking forward to playing the full game! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for the lovely comment! :)

Did you add the AEW shirt?

That will be for the full game! :)

For now the demo hasn't changed since it was for a Game Jam, and it's only half of the story so there isn't the scene where it will appear yet.

soon :D?

For Halloween if all goes well 😊


Warning: This will have spoilers, truly I did not hold back because I absolutely love this demo. I am a monster with this paragraph I am so sorry.

Oh my god, what do I say?? This is absolutely wonderful! The story is so interesting and the way the world building is done, where usually the world ending would be a big and serious event where here, it's treated almost like it's in the background, from The Cleaner and the others (tho, due to different circumstances). Though the cleaning portion is a bit redundant Daniel and The Cleaner's interactions were more than enough for it~! I really like Daniel, especially on how he's quite kind, timid, and nice but also has his breaking point (though as of now it doesn't seem to be violent as he storms off before he says anything). But also seems to come back in order to make amends or to complete a task, his patience towards The Cleaner and also understanding is just... phenomenal and something The Cleaner desperately needs. Speaking of that, I love The Cleaner not only as how different he is towards other MCs but also because how his past affects him and he isn't just a "tragic MC with a tragic backstory", how he acknowledges his past doesn't excuse his actions. 

I also like how Evie (The Cleaner's boss) seems very caring for him, almost like how Jess was through the snippets gained from the two, and how with her persuasion The Cleaner begins to grow closer with Daniel and their relationship blooming. I love seeing how their relationship bloomed from the awkwardness to something genuine, especially with how many troubles they faced at the beginning of the arrangement and how The Cleaner thinks about his emotions or attachment towards Daniel. I especially liked the part where he childishly tried to show off to Daniel how he "found" someone else, it was in character with how disconnected he was towards society/any normal thing you expect. Not only that, but the fact that these two characters can comfort one another despite their differences and how they bond together... It's just so nice to see, with Daniel's understanding and patience towards The Cleaner and him giving hope and comfort to Daniel's sickness.

Just-- Them!!!! Daniel giving The Cleaner a shoulder to lean on and that kiss on the cheek-- THAT WAS SUCH A VULNERABLE MOMENT I LOVE IT!!!

Hello! :D

Thank you so very much for such an awesome comment! It truly made our day!! :)

We're super glad that the game was to your liking!

We're currently implementing some new mini-games for the cleaning parts so that it is a bit more interesting, and we'll try implementing other ideas to make the full game a bit nicer for those who played to fist part already :)

Of course, we'll also do our best to finish all of the story parts, and we hope you will enjoy them as well :D

Again, a HUGE thank you for the wonderful comment,

All the best! 

It's only part 1 but I'm already obsessed with this! The concept is very interesting, the visuals are great, and I absolutely love the character interactions! Fantastic job so far, looking forward for the next part! :D

Thank you so very much for the kind words! :)

We will do our part for the finished product as well! ;)

Idk why i cant play it it has an error when i launch it

Would you mind letting us know what error is showing? We can perhaps fix it!
Sometimes it's just that the file hasn't been downloaded completely because of a connection error, so downloading it again might work as well!

Have you unzipped the file before launching it?

Sorry for all the question, we'd love to find a way for you to play it! :)

This is the error message I got. Idk what it is lol. Oh and I did extract it so that isnt the issue. But Im likely missing something.

Hello again, and apologies for the delay.

We looked for reports of this bug and while they're very rare (we only found one connected to rpg maker for now), it seems to be having something to do with how the video is played!

It could be a bug from an incorrect movie file or from the core files of the engine. If it's the latter, we're not sure how to fix it, unfortunately, since it would mean tweaking the engine core files. Perhaps simply downloading the file again might fix it.

Are you using an older windows version? (before 10) The new rpg maker tend to not play nice with them, we've had quite a few incompatibility bugs for our earlier games when they were played on older windows or on smaller screens.

We apologize for the inconvenience! Thank you again for your comments, it helps a lot! :)

We can't wait for rpg maker to release their new engine on unity for things like these...

I am on a windows 10 but maybe its to do with me using a a laptop?

That's even weirder, then! :o

We only use laptops so it shouldn't give any problem? This is quite the mystery! We'll see if we can find some other solution but it's the fist time we've encountered such a rare bug :(

If you could share your files we can try giving them a look since we cannot trigger this bug ourselves.

Apologies, itchio message system isn't the best for support!

And we're very sorry you're still running into this problem!

"The Cleaner" That's not Kenny Omega..??

We actually had no idea! Wrestling is unfortunately not very well-known in our countries so thanks to your comment we learned something new!

(1 edit)

Could you have the main character look like Kenny Omega as an inside joke or have the character wear a Kenny Omega t shirt or an AEW t-shirt?.

We can try including one clothing item! :)
There are some scenes where the characters wear other clothes so we can tweak one of the t-shirts!

The game sprites are on the small side so we hope that it won't be too pixelated xD

I would do the AEW one as all it would be is three letters :P

OwO love the RPG. The visual is good and I enjoyed listening to the music. Good game btw

Thank you very much for playing and for leaving a comment! :)
We're glad you enjoyed it!!

Really interesting concept and story! I love the visuals and music in particular; I kept idling the game to listen to the tracks for a while (let me know if you ever decide to post those separately!). The Cleaner grew on me quite a bit as I played, and I look forward to seeing how he and his paramour develop in Part 2. Great work! :>


Thank you very much for playing our game! :)

If you're interested, the music artists are written on the credits.txt file! (there will be a credits sequence in the final game as well) The tracks are also found in the audio folder but it's always nicer to support the artists :D

A huge thank you for the lovely comment,

We will do our best for the second part!


Deleted post

Thank you for downloading the game! :)

Is that so? I can only remember one bridge or so :'D You might know my games better than I do ahah

Hope you will enjoy it until the end! :D

Deleted post

We're glad it was to your liking! :)
We'll do our best to get part 2 out soon~

Thank you again very much for playing!

Can't wait to meet the cast and try this new game! It's such a refreshingly unique concept and i love the color pallette in the previews so far! You did so well as always👍🏻 excited to see the full game realized!

Thank you! :DD I'll try my best for the second half as well, I promise.
I hope you will like it!! :)

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